I am most grateful to Bob Bruccoleri, Lionel Guy, Arun Rawat, Nestor
Zaburannyi and numerous other people - who either declined being
thanked publicly or could not respond before I wrote this (you still
can, just drop me a mail) - who all donated time and computing power
to hunt down a "bug" (see
which, in the end, turned out to be something entirely different.
A sunny Friday morning in August
Life's a rollercoaster and there are days - or weeks - where moral is on
a pretty hefty ride: ups and downs in fast succession ... and the
occasional looping here and there.
Today was a day where I had - the first time ever - ups and downs
occurring absolutely simultaneously. Something which is physically
impossible, I know, but don't tell any physicist or astronomer about
that or else they'll embark you on a lengthy discussion on how
isochronicity is a myth by telling you stories on lightning, thunder and
two poor sobs at the ends of a 300,000 km long train. But I digress ...
So, my lowest low and highest high today were at 09:17 this morning when
I prepared leaving for work (hey, it's vacation time, almost everyone
else is out and I can go a bit later than usual, right?). A few minutes
earlier I had just told MIRA to run on the very same PacBio test set she
had successfully worked on the night before to see how stable assemblies
with this kind of data are (quite well so far, thank you for asking).
Reaching out to switch off the monitor and leave, MIRA suddenly came
back with a warm and cosy little error message which she's taken the
habit lately to have a mischievous pleasure to present. This time, she
claimed there had been an illegal base in the FASTQ file.
“Hey, MIRA, wait a minute!” I
thought. “Yesterday and tonight you ran on the very same
data file with the very same parameters for two times three hours and
even gave me back some nice assembly results. And now you claim that the
INPUT data has errors?! Come on, you're not serious, are you?”
usually announces a major pouting round of hers, something which I'm not
looking forward to, I can tell you.
Two restarts later with the same negative result (MIRA can be quite stubborn at times) I had to give in and decided to sit down again and investigate the problem.
“So ... read number 317301 at base position 246, eh?
Let's have a look."”
“Read 317299, 317300 ... 317301 ... there we are.”
... wait! What? 'F' ... 'F'?!? That's
not even an IUPAC code. What's a frakking 'F' doing in the FASTQ input
file?!” (No plan what a frak is? See the following clip which is conditionally safe
for work)
Indeed, 'F' is not a valid nucleotide IUPAC code. Even more mysterious to me was the fact that
just the night before it apparently had not been there. Or had it? I now
was pretty unsure where this path would lead me, as if I had unlocked a
door with the key of imagination. Beyond it: another dimension - a
dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. I was
moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. I
just crossed over into ... the Twilight Zone: "G#-A-G#-E-G#-A-G#-E" at
128 bpm, for more info see:
But I digress again. Where was I? Ah, yes, the 'F'.
So, how did that 'F' appear in the FASTQ, and where had it been the
night before? Out to town, ashamed of not being a nucleotide and getting
a hangover without telling anyone up-front? Or did it surreptitiously
sneak in from the outside, murdering an innocent base and taking its
place in hope no one would note? I didn't have the slightest clue, but I
was determined to find that out.
First thing to check: the log files of the successful runs the previous
night. MIRA's very chatty at times and tidying up after her has always
been a chore (there, I'm feeling that look again in
my back), but now was one of those occasions where not gagging her paid
out as poking around the files she left behind proved to be
interesting. Read 317301 showed the following at the position in doubt:
"C G G G T C ___G___ A A" Without question: a 'G', and no 'F' in sight!
So MIRA had been right and the 'G' in the sequence of the file
mysteriously mutated into an 'F' overnight. I must admit that I had
grown suspicious of her in the past few weeks as she had seemed to
become uncooperative at times. In particular she had been screaming at
me a couple of times during rehearsal of combined 454 and Illumina
assemblies for the premiere of her new 3.4.0 show. She claimed that some
uninvited spider monkeys (see had frightened her
so much she refused to continue to work and simply scribbled the '@'
sign all over her error messages. I had not been able to find out how
those critters entered MIRA's data and had even enrolled a few
volunteers to rehearse different assemblies with MIRA ... to no avail as
she'd performed without flaws there.
While reconsidering all these things, something suddenly made *click*.
The character 'G' has the hexadecimal ASCII table code 0x47 (or in 8-bit
binary: 01000111). 'F', as preceding character of 'G' and the table
having some logic behind it, has the hex code 0x46, which is 01000110 in
8-bit binary.
The ATINSEQ-bug (@-in-seq) I had been desperately hunting in the past
few weeks (and which had held up the release of MIRA 3.4.0) was due to
the "@" character sometimes mysteriously appearing in sequences during
the assembly of MIRA. The '@' sign in the ASCII table has the hex code
0x40 (binary: 01000000). In the ASCII table, there is one important
character for DNA assembly which is very near to the '@' character ...,
so near that it is the successor of it: the 'A' character. Hexadecimal
0x41, binary 01000001.
I had always thought that a bug in MIRA somehow corrupted the sequence,
but what if ... what if MIRA was actually really innocent?! I had never
taken this possibility into account as any other explanation attempt
would have seemed too far stretched.
But now I had a similar effect outside of MIRA, in the Linux file system!
The difference between the characters is in both cases exactly 1 bit
which changes, and it's even at the same position (last one in a byte)
and changing into the same direction (from '1' to '0').
I was now sure I was on to something: bit decay.
But how could I prove it? Well, elementary my dear Watson: When you have
eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be
the truth.
- the problem is caused either by MIRA or one of the components of the computer: CPU, disk, disk/dma controller, RAM.
- an artefact was very sporadically observed during MIRA runs where sequences (containing lot's of 'A') suddenly contained at least one '@'. This occurred after several passes, i.e., not on loading.
- an artefact was observed in the Linux file system where a 'G' mutated suddenly and overnight to a 'F'.
- both artefacts are based on one bit flipping, perhaps even to the same direction all the time.
- when loading data, MIRA does not use mmap() to mirror data from disk, but physically creates a copy of that data.
- MIRA loaded the data twice flawlessly before the artefact in the file system occurred.
Deduction 1:
- MIRA is innocent. The artefact in the file system happened outside of the address space of MIRA and therefore outside her control. MIRA cannot be responsible as the Linux kernel would have prevented her from writing to some memory she was not allowed to.
Further facts:
- the system MIRA ran on had 24 GiB RAM
- even with a KDE desktop, KMail, Firefox, Emacs and a bunch of terminals open, there is still a lot of free RAM (some 22 to 23 GiB).
- Linux uses free RAM to cache files
Deduction 2:
- when loading the small FASTQ input file in the morning, Linux put it into the file cache in RAM. As MIRA almost immediately stopped without taking much memory, the file stayed in cache.
Further facts:
- the drive with the FASTQ file is run in udma6 mode. That is, when loading data the controller moves the data directly from disk to RAM without going via the processor
- subsequent "loading" of the same FASTQ into MIRA or text viewer like 'less' showed the 'F' character always appearing at the same place.
Deduction 3:
- the CPU is innocent! It did not touch the data while it was transferred from disk to RAM and it afterwards shows always the same data.
- the disk controllers and UDMA controller are innocent! Some of the glitches observed in previous weeks occurred during runs of MIRA, inside the MIRA address space, long after initial loading, when UDMA had already finished their job.
From deductions 1, 2 & 3 follows:
- it's not MIRA, not the CPU, nor the disk & UDMA controller
Suspects left:
- Disk
Well, that can be easily tested: shut down the computer, restart it and
subsequently look at the file again. No file cache in RAM can survive
that procedure. Yes, I know, there are some magic incantations one can
chant to force Linux to flush all buffers and clear all caches, but in
that situation I was somehow feeling conservative.
Lo and behold, after the above procedure the FASTQ file showed an all
regular, good old nucleic acid 'G' in the file again. No 'F' to be seen
Deduction 4:
- the disk is innocent.
Deduction 5:
- as all other components have been ruled out, the RAM is faulty.
Ups 'n downs
As I wrote: life's a roller coaster.Up: MIRA is innocent! There, she's giving me that look again and one would have to be blind to oversee the "told you so" she's sending over with it.
Down: My RAM's broken and I need to replace it. Bought it only last March, should still be under guarantee, but still ... time and effort.
Up: I did not sell my old RAMs, so I can continue to work
Down: 12 GiB feels soooooo tight after having had 24.
Up: I can wrap up MIRA 3.4.0 end of this week with good conscience!
Down: How the hell am I gonna tie all loose bits and pieces in the documentation in the next 24 to 48 hours?
Looping: later that morning MIRA again helped me at work to locate in a couple of minutes a mutation in an eukaryotic strain important for one of our Biotech groups. Oh boy, do I love sequencing and MIRA.
Have a nice Friday and a good week-end,
PS: while celebrating with MIRA
tonight, I expressed my fear that some people might find it strange that
I anthropomorphise her. They could think I went totally nuts or that I
needed an extended vacation (which I do btw). She assured me that no
one would dare thinking I were insane ... and if so, she would come over
to their place and give them that look.
How utterly reassuring.
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